Post COVID: The State of Australia Today
This is a CG Report Exclusive. The article is by someone who desires to be left anonymous for obvious reasons. It's the tragic state of how things are. Personally, I would as much ascribe this to Australia's having given up its rights, slowly but surely, over the past years especially the giving up of their gun rights. With them gone, the government has become the same as has happened throughout history. They have become the oppressors of those they were originally intended to serve. We give thanks to the author of this memo as it is now presented:
We have prepared an overview of events in Australia since 2020. It is meant to provide context and a more accurate account of the current situation in our country. We have compiled this report from our own research, experiences and conversations with people within Australia. Where possible, we have referenced events and documents with appropriate links to the material for verification – although they may not exist by the time this is read. It is likely that this report will contradict the narrative portrayed by mass media sites.
Australia is in a very dark place and we are well aware that a global agenda has been activated with some terrible consequences. The evil that we saw two years ago has continued to increase and what we once knew as ‘normal life’ now seems a distant memory.
Like most western countries, the fear of a ‘pandemic’ crisis was quickly deployed by our federal and state governments – who then stepped in to take control of the situation. This meant implementing:
· full control by overriding and ignoring constitutional rights
· special emergency powers to the defence force, police and other security agencies. This includes new policing policies and powers – to raid homes, retrieve medical data from clinics, threaten business owners / churches, brutalise protestors and disrupt daily routines
· health directives which may differ from state to state
· state border controls – including restricted interstate trade and travel
· lockdowns – for regions or cities
· mask wearing and social distancing
· coercing citizens to be vaccinated – through fear tactics, media campaigns and influence on business operations and education accessibility
· monetary vaccination incentives
· vaccine mandates for some sectors e.g. police, health workers, teachers, truck drivers
· CV19 testing and quarantine centres
· a ban on standard CV19 medications i.e. ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine
· restricted access to hospitals and aged care facilities
· extended shutdowns for schools and universities
· limited attendance and restrictions at weddings, funerals, church services and public events
· de-registration of health workers including doctors – if they challenge the ‘science’.
· The list goes on …
The impacts of these measures have been:
· break downs in relationships – in families, friendships, professional partnerships
· distrust in government and law enforcement
· suspicion and segregation between people groups
· bankruptcy and hopelessness – especially for those who have endured prolonged lockdowns
· increased suicides
· significant job losses across many professions, leading to staff shortages
· disruption to education
· disconnect from churches and communities
· greater government overreach and further control of the population
· huge fines for alleged breaches of lockdowns, state border crossings and mandates
· introduction of new or amended state and federal laws
· re-writing or re-wording definitions
· modifying health directives and mandates to create greater confusion amongst the population
· more CV19 booster shots
· inconsistent data regarding CV19 cases and outcomes
· misrepresentation of the facts via media blanketing with omissions and propaganda
· severe and sometimes life-threatening adverse effects – we have been witnesses to some of these events
· complete disregard of the constitution, rule of law, human rights and freedoms
· arrest and detainment of citizens
· displacement of some aboriginal communities
· attacks against citizens during peaceful demonstrations including the use of rubber bullets, tear gas and LRAD devices.
Constitutional Rights
Following the Nuremberg trials in 1945, the Australian Constitution was amended (1946, Section 51.23a) to protect citizens with regard to medical procedures which cannot be forced on a person without their consent.
Being a constitutional matter, this amendment is administered by the Federal Government (under our Prime Minister PM – Scott Morrison), and by default overrides state laws. In fact, in 2020 the PM announced that vaccinations in Australia would not be mandatory. As said, this was in accordance with the constitution i.e. Australians do have the right to make their own health choices.
However, the PM then transferred this authority to the states, giving them the ‘right’ to introduce laws and directives at will, in order to properly ‘manage’ the pandemic.
As a consequence, the federal and state governments colluded to eroded these rights and then proceeded to introduce various workarounds that have weakened the protections for citizens. This has caused a great deal of confusion and is often a matter for debate and opinion in legal and political domains.
Current mandates & restrictions:
In our state of Queensland, the government has just removed a series of restrictions (effective 14th April). The unvaccinated can now enter venues such as restaurants, cinemas etc – but are not permitted to visit people in hospitals, aged care facilities, prisons and the like.
Proof of vaccination is required if travelling overseas. Conditions for domestic, interstate travel is variable and subject to change.
Vaccination status
In practical terms, vaccinations are declared ‘mandatory’ at the will of the state and individual employers. There are no medical or religious exemptions nor conscientious objections accepted - unless you are a politician!
In 2021 we saw a major push for vaccination of adults, but in 2022 this has expanded to include all age groups – infants, children, adults – irrespective of the person’s health status or ability to consent. (A breach of the constitution).
I note that the procedure is not necessarily ‘mandated’ (except in some professions and by state directives), but it is strongly recommended for the entire population. Medical professionals are expected to promote this ‘health procedure’ or face de-registration. Interestingly most universities and some ‘churches’ have also chosen to restrict access to the unvaccinated.
We cannot confirm the vaccination rate within the country. Currently, vaccinations are typically mandated for (but not limited to) police, teachers, health workers, pilots, prison wardens, and other workers in high-risk areas – but they are not required for politicians. The decision to follow or reject mandates has split the population, and has pressured workers and their families to comply. There are thousands of Australians who have stood down and relinquished their jobs, businesses and opportunities to avoid the injection. This has created ‘shortages’ in the workforce and reduction of service in key areas such as hospitals and schools. We are told that staff shortages in hospitals are due to the high admissions of CV19, but there is no suggestion it is due to staff walk-outs. In both domains, staffing is heavily reliant on relief workers and student practitioners to compensate.
Meanwhile, the government continues to roll out the ‘booster shots’, setting the expectation that top-ups will become routine for all.
We note that the vaccines were first introduced as experimental drugs but now, in order to circumvent human rights issues (i.e. that a person should not be coerced to take these medications) – the mRNA vaccines are now ‘approved’ and are therefore no longer experimental. (The wording change has annulled the debate).
Statistics & Outcomes
The state and federal governments do produce ‘statistics’ on CV19 cases and outcomes, but it is unclear how these figures are derived. Doctors are required to keep detailed records and report outbreaks and/or reactions to the government authority called the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
Since October 2021 until late March 2022, there have been 801 deaths reported by doctors to the TGA - that may be related to CV19 or the vaccination. However, the TGA has deemed only 11 deaths are worthy for further investigation. They have stated there is no timeframe for arriving at a clear decision, so the dispensing of vaccinations will continue.
Quarantine Centres
Both the federal and state governments have established quarantine centres across Australia.
They are reportedly for people entering Australia and to aid in the management of public health in the region. This link will take you to the facility just outside our city.
Similar accommodations within the country are called Centres for National Resilience.
The largest facility is at Howard Springs in the Northern Territory. A simple Google images search using the keywords ‘Howard Springs’ will display the scale of this venue.
Costs and conditions are:
Pushback & Federal Election
Over the last 2 years there have been several organisations and individuals (including politicians) take a stand for freedom and fair government.
You may have seen some of the freedom marches that were held in Melbourne (2021), where the mandates, abuse of power and police overreach (brutality) were particularly noticeable. In contrast the protests were peaceful, drawing huge crowds from the community. In that year, on separate occasions we saw the arrest of two pastors – one being Pastor Paul Furlong (the other name I cannot find) - plus a young Christian woman, Monica Smit. They were charged with ‘incitement’ and were held in custody for several days without a court appearance or representation. This was an alarming breach of human rights and justice.
· Pastor Paul Furlong: (15 days imprisonment)
· Monica Smit: (Solitary for 22 days)
The freedom marches have continued across Australia. The most significant being held in Canberra (the Nation’s capital) on Saturday, February 12th 2022.
People from all across the country travelled in convoys and then marched through the city to Parliament House. It is our conservative opinion that 750,000+ people participated in the event although other estimates go much higher. It was the biggest demonstration in Australian history and represents 3%+ of the population (25 million).
Again, the protest was peaceful. However the Australian police deployed LRAD (long range acoustic device) technology weapons on the assembly which resulted in skin blisters, disorientation, nausea and other hearing and balance issues. It is alarming that the government would harm its own people, including children and families.
We can confirm this occurred, having spoken to several people who attended the rally.
At no time did any representatives of the elected government address, negotiate or even acknowledge the protestors and their grievances. The mainstream media essentially ignored the event as well – television coverage was minimal and the attendance was downplayed to a tiny fraction of the actual count.
Not only has the government shown little respect for civil demonstrations, it is our opinion that they have gone out of their way to ‘punish’ citizens through systemic discrimination. Such strategies include:
· Taking privileges and then selectively restoring ‘normalcy’ as a reward
· Ridicule and misrepresentation of freedom protestors
· “Making an example” of people such as denying Novak Djokovic, the tennis star (unvaccinated), entry to the country after already approving his visa and permitting him to compete in the Australian Open tournament held in January 2022.
· Federal and state governments continue to pass and amend current laws and directives to further erode existing human rights under the cover of the ‘pandemic’ and the apparent need to keep people safe. This occurs frequently, even though citizens have partitioned politicians to stand against such changes.
· A traditional, protein-based vaccine (Covax-19) developed here in Australia by Professor Nikolai Petrovsky has not been approved by the TGA. Only Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Novavax (all mRNA) are authorised to supply CV19 vaccines. Citizens are therefore denied the opportunity to choose alternate vaccines.
The federal government has now called a general election for Saturday, May 21st. (This may account for the recent relaxation of health directives). We expect the election will be hotly contested, but it remains to be seen if it will be fair.
On the following page are some other items of note which are also of concern.
Significant amendments to the law and public policies, including:
· Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020―Schedule 2 (6th October 2020)
Immunity from civil and criminal liability for Australian Defence Force personnel as well as members of foreign military and police forces who may be called to assist in emergencies.
· Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2021
(3rd September 2021)
Amended powers for Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to disrupt data by modifying, adding, copying or deleting data in order to frustrate the mission of serious offences online. The amendment also gives powers to these authorities to takeover devices, servers and a person’s online account and identity.
(A seemingly harmless activity, but the application and context of these measures are vague and perhaps accounts for the increased fact blocking and misinformation directed at citizens).
· Mitochondrial Donation Law Reform (Maeve’s Law) Bill 2021
Passed: 1 April 2022
This relates to research involving human embryos and the trialling of human cloning techniques – both of which had previously been illegal in Australia.
An Interview of Interest:
Australia: The Horrifying Dystopia, The Down Under Landscape Turned Full Blown Tyranny
December 3, 2021
This is a fair assessment of Australia today.